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Many PT ask me which are the secrets to open a personal training studio, tired of moving ceaselessly to clients’ homes or to submit to host gyms’ rules, tolerating impositions that always change (and often not in their favor).

The idea of building a future, of opening an activity which can guarantee its own subsistence in long periods of time and, above all, to generate proportional profits to professionality and commitment is everyday more widespread among young trainers and not only.

During my career in this field, I had the opportunity to share the anxieties and, fortunately, also the dreams of trainers that tried to face the path towards professional independence and that made it, building their own dream job. And I must admit that these successful cases are definitely the majority compared to the negative ones.

Andrea Poli, with the brand Polifitness (declination of his name and the field in which he works, expressing also the versatility of his training approach), has been the protagonist of one of these cases.

One of the few cases in which the motivational aspect has been particularly easy to support, because Andrea, despite his young age, had very clearly defined ideas, being the owner of a small, but very nice, PT studio in Como’s city center.

He simply needed to renew his business, to find a differentiating idea on which he could build a bigger gym, capable to express his unicity and his willingness to emerge.

The contribute that we at Sidea have provided him has been the suggestion of a completely customized OUTRACE model, perfectly integrated in his new location: an elegant loft with a post-industrial ambience, directly overlooking to Como’s wonderful lake and sharing the carparking with the adjacent mall.

With Andrea there has been an immediate understanding. He had already chosen a high-level business positioning by equipping Polifitness Studio with products like Kinesis, Olympic Half Rack and newest Technogym Skillrow and we had the opportunity to further support his project with a customized structure perfectly calibrated to his needs: OUTRACE T5.

This OUTRACE model, had been already realized in custom versions in Spain (one of the countries that better responded to the introduction of OUTRACE in international market) and in a new outdoor version that has been presented in preview in Sidea’s high quarter the last month.

Polifitness Studio is also equipped with a vast range of Sidea products for functional training and we have also been able to satisfy Andrea’s precise request of a technical flooring which could be also esthetically integrated in the design of the studio, with a black colored area marked with white signs thought by himself.

We asked Andrea Poli what were the principles in which he bases Polifitness ‘ training concept:

“A work methodology based on the rebalancing of the integrated strength, through exercises and small tools. POLIFITNESS TRAINING is based on personalized workouts, that are tailor-made on the features and on the goals of the clients and that are mainly divided in 3 typologies: Postural TrainingFunctional Training and Athletic Training”.

Willingness to get in the game, clearly defined ideas, appropriate training advices and high-quality products: these features lead to one of the most exclusive and effectivespersonal training studios we have in Italy.

Thank you for choosing us.

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