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Weightlifting Platform

We produce 6 platform models dedicated to weightlifting.

  • 9213 Olympic Competition Platform 4 × 4, 40 mm thick, constructed for the organizing committees of weightlifting competitions request. It combines the highest technical characteristics together with the need for transport to the competition venues. It stands out for the pairing of 20mm of rubber with 20mm of extra soft polyurethane and for the innovative central platform in MDF, characterized by the “anti-stumble grip surface” and the Perfect lock system.
  • 9214 Olympic Competition Warm-Up Platform 3 × 2, 20 mm thick, created for the warm up areas of weightlifting competitions, it is also useful for training as it mounts, resized, the same innovative central platform of the 9213 model. Rubber parts are double layered but without the extra soft polyurethane.
  • 9210 Training Platform 3 × 3, 20 mm thick, double layered rubber, Forex platform, to equip training areas dedicated to weight lifting. Excellent value for money.
  • 9212 Training platform 3 × 2, 20mm thick, smaller version of the 9210 model, with which it shares all the same technical solutions.
  • 9211 Training Platform 3 × 3 – Only rubber, 20 mm thick, double layered rubber, without the rigid central part. This is the ideal platform for setting up areas dedicated to strength training with free tools i.e: barbells, kettlebells, clubs, hammer, hex bar, etc., which could damage any non-rubberized parts.
  • 9209 Training Platform Power Cage Rack, 20 mm thick, same construction features as the training platforms but made in a T shape to be inserted into the Power Cage Rack Cod. 9095.
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