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To be up-to-date, to invest and, above all, to search for new challenges: these are the keys to grow and to progress that Sidea has identified, starting a process of renovation of its offer and of its image.

A process started with the acquisition and by now complete integration of OUTRACE project, that provided a decisive boost towards the definitive internationalization of Sidea ’s brand and that highlighted in this way the need to raise furthermore the bar and to accept this challenge.

Sidea 2018 Catalog is the representation of this search for renovation: it provides not only an offer that has been updated in design, functionality and reliability, but a path that, through the product, leads you towards a clear concept of use based on the culture of movement.

Sidea: new logo and color shift


There has been a progressive shift in the main shades of color, with the red remaining important but together with more neutral tonalities like black, gray, white or light brown. The logo itself has been updated and adapted both in color and in design, with “softer” and rounder lines compared to the previous version.

An example of this renovation may be the new Sidea Smash Balls (cod. 0470-0476), that pass from a bright red coloration to the more elegant actual silver grey, but also the Medical Balls (cod. 0490-0498), in which the weight is no longer identified by different colors, but that have adopted a simple black-white contrast. Elegance that is the keyword also for what concern the new “wooden/black” colored Tatami (cod. 9208), but also the black version of the Hex Bar (cod. 9112) and the new Chromed Dumbbells (cod. 1161).

OUTRACE project


A great deal of attention has been paid to OUTRACE, which occupies the first part of the Catalog: besides the presentation of all the Frames, Components, Movables and Apps, there is also a representation of the possible ambiences in which the structure could be located, from a futuristic gym in Moscow to an outdoor luxury location in Dubai or Ibiza.

New website and communication approach

Not only the products have changed, but also the whole way to communicate itself: Sidea is everyday more open to the challenges of the new media, starting from the new website Sideaita.net, renovated and reorganized to follow the configuration of the 2018 Catalog. The website is going to have three main functions:

  • To represent the digital version of the catalog, providing the possibility to have access to all the information about the products in every moment.
  • To provide educational contents, like videos and articles, made by professional trainers to explain the correct uses of our products.
  • To host our company blog, through which it is possible to read news, articles and interviews concerning the experiences of athletes, clients and trainers, that allow to deepen the knowledge and the consciousness about functional training and, in general, Sidea’s world.

All of this, from the latest news about the products to the announces of upcoming events, is going to be communicated through our social networks (starting from a toatally renewed Instagram profile), but also through a monthly newsletter that will provide the possibility to remain constantly updated about what concern Sidea and OUTRACE.

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