Intuitive. Innovative. Unexplored. These are the first three definitions that leap to mind when one first time one observes the ‘9012/3 Low Hex Bar‘ , Sidea’s new design in the field of Overload Tools.
A very innovative form, which nevertheless determines an intuitive approach to its use, opening up an unexplored range of possibilities of use, of movements, of training stimuli.
We have already got to consider in the world of Functional Training the three essential cornerstones of Movement: Strength, Mobility, Stability. The new Low Hex Bar 9012/3 correlates these three aspects in a new, very close way, thanks to an approach to Movement that is free in multiplanarity despite a solid bond and ties of solidarity with the athlete, who is at the centre of a true ‘cage of strength’.
So, we experimented a short routine with the Low Hex Bar, getting inspired by Strength, Movement and Stability.
The initial approach is of a handle that inspires strength and power, in neutral grip, an obsolete element in the use of traditional barbells. A wide handle, from which begins the first, intuitive movement: the Deadlift.
The sensation of stability that one you feel when handling the overload with a grip such as the one just described is incredible.
The hands, clamped on the handles in their physiological position physiological position, together with the arms perfectly perpendicular with respect to the front of the body and held in slight abduction by the 9012/3 itself, transfer to the Low Hex Bar all the force that the legs offer in their thrust, without compromise or dispersive force vectors.
Hence, the exploration of a specific movement of this tool: the execution of a Back Lunge with the body twist in the direction ipsilateral to the supporting leg, performed on both sides.
This twist, in addition to the Mobility involved by the movement itself, further stresses the athlete’s Stability and tests his ability to overcome the inertial rotational forces that the Low Hex Bar generates during its movement.

The phase of the athlete’s return to upright position and subsequently to the ground of the Low Hex Bar, provides a stable and favourable support for immediate plank stretching.
A push-up performed with weight-bearing support that is advantageous from a weight point of view – given the slight inclined plane created – but at the same time challenging for the position in which the hands express the force generated by the kinetic chain of front push, creates a sudden coupling effect between “lower and upper body movements.”

The above routine is just one of the countless possibilities that with skill and creativity the trainer can and must explore.
Because, let us remember once again, the Low Hex Bar is definitely the missing tool in the functional overload domain. A unique and simply Intuitive tool: Innovative and Undiscovered.
He has about thirty years of experience in the field of Athletic Training and Physical Activity. Former Officer of the Italian Military Air Force, in parallel with his studies in Electronic Engineering, he dedicated himself to Functional Training starting as early as 1998 to use Kettlebells for athletic training in the Canoe and Kayak field. Interested in the use of Macebell for several years, he has studied and codified different training methods based exclusively on this tool, becoming a profound connoisseur of the Physical and Biomechanical dynamics related to it and the main Italian exponent of Macebell Training.
3rd Level Trainer “Master – Sport Specialist” of the Italian Weightlifting Federation with the qualification “Kettlebell Specialist”, is the National Technical Manager F.I.PE. and Federal Lecturer for “Functional Strength” and is a member of the National Union of Sports Kinesiologists. Author of the book “Functional Strength – High Intensity Functional Training Method” published by Calzetti & Mariucci for the Strength Academy F.I.PE. He is the creator and founder of the “Crossout Functional Training” community, a reality present throughout the country with over 150 professional trainers in the first three years of diffusion.