Rubber Wagon Wheel Bumper Plates

With the squat, the deadlift is one of the most common training exercises. This is because it involves massive use of the posterior kinetic chain and a whole series of muscles:

– Glutes
– Adductors
– Erector spinae
– Quadriceps
– Hamstrings
– Latissimus Dorsi
– Trapezius
– Rhomboids
– Forearms

Deadlifts are performed in many different sports, from pure powerlifting to strength and conditioning training.

Critical aspects

This exercise is complex in its simplicity and in order to perform it correctly without injury, it is good to follow the learning steps and progressive loading. This is because our body has to get used to maintaining a correct position under an increasing load, and if the load is unmanageable, injury is likely to result. Some of the critical aspects of deadlifts are as follows:

  • Difficulty for beginners in setting, often due to the start setting being too low position.
  • The very low start position facilitates ‘levering’ with the erectors, increasing the risk of injury.
  • Also due to the low start position, athletes with long levers are disadvantaged in the movement.

Rack Pulls

In order to overcome these problems, and to allow everyone to gain the benefits of the deadlifts, there is the ‘rack pulls’ exercise, where the barbell does not start from the ground, but from the safety bars of the rack.


This variation allows to take advantage of an upright start, and thus facilitates the movement.

  • It allows the exercise to be more overloaded, promoting strength levels.
  • It improves the sticking point of the deadlift, which occurs near the knee.
  • It is an excellent variation for working more with the hip extensors (glutes) and the hamstrings because the limited knee extension limits the intervention of the quadriceps.


  • The start from the rack causes the barbell touches the rack and not the plates on the floor. This can cause a loss of balance due to the barbell bouncing and moving over the rack safeties.
  • The ‘slamming’ of the barbell onto the rack’s safeties can be very dangerous as, if the rack is not fixed to the ground, it can fall back on the user along with the barbell.
  • The impact on the rack safety occurs in the middle of the barbell, which is not predisposed to these traumas, therefore damaging the barbell.

Block Pulls

A very popular variation in powerlifting and Olympic training is to use raised blocks. This is certainly a better solution than starting from the rack, but these blocks are very bulky and heavy, and therefore difficult to find in a gym.  In addition, the fact that the user has to prepare the barbell, the plates, and also the blocks, leads to the user wasting a lot of time just preparing a single exercise, which can be frustrating.

Rubber Wagon Wheel Bumper Plates – 9040/30W

To avoid these problems, Sidea has produced the new bumpers that, with a diameter of no less than 66cm, allow to work in complete safety from an elevated position without the dangerous disadvantages of rack pulls and without having to waste time in preparing the block station.

In fact, unlike ‘rack pulls’, the plates touch the ground directly without causing damage to the barbell and eliminating all the risks. Compared to ‘block pulls’, however, they save a great deal of time and space, as no additional blocks are required.

Some of the many advantages of Rubber Wagon Wheel Bumper Plates:

  • Easy to learn the deadlifting exercise.
  • Excellent for overloading the deadlifts and improving the sticking point.
  • Easy loading and unloading of additional plates.
  • They occupy the same space as classic bumpers plates.

Made of rubber, not metal, they absorb more impact and avoid damaging the floor, a fundamental factor for gyms and personal training studios.

9040/30W Rubber Wagon Wheel Bumper Plate

198.00 incl.VAT

66 cm diameter disc, weight 30 kg, combining the construction characteristics of rubber bumper plates with the measurements of metal wagon wheels.

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Davide Arrigoni

  • Expert in women’s training and bodybuilding
  • Owner of GluteX personal training studio
  • Degree in Human Movement and Sport Sciences. Certified Elite Trainer ISSA USA

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