PUBLIC ISLAND PLYOBOXES – Boxes for plyometric exercises on outdoor public areas (30, 60 or 90 cm)
The Public Island Plyoboxes codes 9085/4-/5-/6 are a Public Island Rack accessory, designed to provide outdoor training solutions in public areas, such as parks, gardens and beaches. They are three boxes directly fixed to the ground in an indipendent way from the main structure of the Public Island, designed to perform plyometric exercises or as raised supports for bodyweight exercises.
The Plyoboxes, which can be purchased individually, are available in three different heights, namely 30, 60 and 90 cm, and have a square base of 69×69 cm. The main part of the box is realized in a treated metal for outdoor installation, while the upper part is made of treated wood for outdoor use.
Fixing of the structure
All the products of this line can be purchased with different fixing kits:
- Fixing kit for Concrete Plateau
- Fixing kit for Concrete Plinths

The Concrete Plateau Kit includes classic expansion anchoring dowels for concrete, and must be chosen in the event that the structure (or its sub-components) are fixed on a whole reinforced concrete base, with a minimum thickness of 15 cm.

The Concrete Plinth Kit includes some components necessary for joining the Dip bars, and the classic expansion anchors for concrete and must be chosen in the event that the structure (or its sub-components) are anchored to 50x50x50 cm underground plinths and full under each anchor point of the structure. The fixing templates with the dimensions for the preparation of the plinths can be requested when ordering.