The Technique Hollow Plates are lightweight plates of 2,5 kg (red colored) and 5 kg (white colored) that, despite the reduced weight, have the same diameter of the standard weightlifting Bumper Plates and a very large hedge. This is possible thanks to the fact that these plates are made of high-density polyethylene which internally is completely empty (that is why they are called “Hollow”). The user can therefore have light weight plates with standard dimensions, which can be useful to firstly approach, or to improve, the weightlifting techniques (like clean, jerk, snatch or deadlift). That is why the Technique Hollow Plates are usually combined with the 3 kg Lightweight Intro Barbell (code 9015/1) or to the 7 kg Lightweight Aluminum Barbell (code 9014/1): in this way it is possible to use these plates on platforms or rubberized pavement as with normal bumper plates.
See also, alternatively, the thin hedge Technique Plates 2,5kg (code 9040/25).
DIMENSIONS: 450 mm, hole 50 mm
Code 9040/25H Technical Hollow Plates 2,5 kg (thk 60 mm, red colored)
Code 9040/50H Technical Hollow Plates 5 kg (thk 85 mm, white colored)