PUBLIC ISLAND RACK M6 – Training structure for public areas
The Public Island Rack is a structure designed to provide outdoor training in public areas, such as parks, gardens and beaches. The rack and all connected components and accessories have in fact been designed in accordance with the EN 16630 standards, aimed at ensuring the safety of those carrying out physical activity outdoors while using freely accessible equipment.
The Public Island Rack was created with the aim of combining dual needs: providing professional, functional and complete solutions, suitable for experienced athletes in the areas of functional training, calisthenics, street workout and Crossfit ®, but which, at the same time, also allows it to be used by people interested in a fitness activity dedicated to their own well-being.
This has resulted in a series of components and training stations that make this structure a real “multi-functional island” within which it is possible to perform extremely diversified training and circuits, suitable for every level of physical training.
Configurations and accessories
The Public Island Rack code 9085M6 This is the central module of the 9085, which is configured as a Monkey Walk Bar with a total length of 3.57 m, characterized by the inclination, negative on one side and positive on the other, in order to compose a particularly challenging suspension path, suitable for various levels.
Fixing of the structure
All the products of this line can be purchased with different fixing kits:
- Fixing kit for Concrete Plateau
- Fixing kit for Concrete Plinths

The Concrete Plateau Kit includes classic expansion anchoring dowels for concrete, and must be chosen in the event that the structure (or its sub-components) are fixed on a whole reinforced concrete base, with a minimum thickness of 15 cm.

The Concrete Plinth Kit includes some components necessary for joining the structure and the classic expansion anchors for concrete. This solution must be chosen in the event that the structure (or its sub-components) are anchored to 40x40x40 cm underground plinths and full under each anchor point of the structure. The fixing templates with the dimensions for the preparation of the plinths can be requested when ordering.