Easy Aereostep, including 2 pairs of riser blocks. Three different heights: 11, 16, and 21 cm. This step board is excellently produced and finished, without dangerous edges, with an anti-slip texture on the surface, that guarantees safety and looks good. The board has 4 points of grip, allowing the users to pick up the step from the ground quickly. Important: the Aerostep risers don’t interlock between them. The riser blocks stay firmly and securely under the step.
Dimensions: 1100 x 400 mm. Height: 110 mm, 160 mm, 210 mm
Deck: 900 x 350 mm
Feet Pad: 900 x 350mm
Weight: 8 kg
Max. Weight Capacity: 110 Kg.
Available Model
Cod. 0230 AereoStep