Mattress 200×100 H10 cm, made of soft semi-cylinders of polyurethane foam covered with PVC. The idea comes from the use of residual cylinders from the production of Fitness Boxing bags. The Big Mat can be used as a non-jumping exercise mat according to UNI EN 12503-4:2016, or as a work surface for performing exercises in rehabilitation and sports settings, particularly for functional training on an unstable base. The use of polyurethane semi-cylinders as the mattress core, instead of the traditional slabs, creates a slightly irregular, soft surface similar to sand. Combining multiple Big Mat code 0405 can allow the creation of larger unstable paths or areas. Adding proprioceptive cushions such as code 2909 Balance Pad or code 3001 Bump Disc can enrich the variety of unstable supports, diversifying proprioceptive work on the Large Mat.
Since it is soft and irregular, useful as an unstable base, the Big Mat 0405 cannot be classified as a type 3 sports mattress (jumps and landings) according to UNI EN 12503-4:2016, as it does not meet the surface deformation requirement, although it complies with deceleration during impact and elasticity.
Dimensions: 2000 x 1000 mm
Thickness: 100 mm
Weight: 7 kg