The Pilates Ring is one of the best-known tools used by Joseph Pilates to perform exercises of varying intensity. Originally called a “magic circle”, it is an auxiliary element in many exercises that can help users improve stability and manage the “core of the body”. It achieves this result through workouts based on the strengthening of stabilizing muscles. It also improves a work consisting of slow, gradual movements, carefully executed, without trauma to the joints, and an equally proper deep breathing.
The Pilates Ring is ideal for the so-called soft gymnastics oriented to wellness, well-being, or post-traumatic recovery. Precisely due to the exceptional work on postural muscles, full-body training allows you to improve strength, coordination, mobility, posture, and general well-being. For these reasons, the ring can also be used outside of pilates for functional fitness or athletic preparation, rectify incorrect postures, and intensify core training work. Free body exercises with the Pilates Ring can also be very intense and require much effort.
Originality and effectiveness of this tool, combined with outstanding affordability, determine its diffusion and success known to all.
Diameter Ø 385 mm
See also:
code 0450 Pilates Ball 0,5 Kg
code 0451 Pilates Ball 1,0 Kg
code 3024 Pilates Mat