ONLINE Courses

WTA Functional Training®
Instructor Course
The common thread that unites all the sectors of application of physical training, from that for aesthetics to that for performance, is that these trainings focus too much on the final objective to be reached, and not on how to reach it, while also respecting the neuro-motor potential and the health of the person doing them.
In fact, in the case both of those training to reach aesthetic goals (from weight loss to muscular hypertrophy), and those training to condition their physical qualities for athletic sports preparation (from the Strength to its derivatives,
Endurance, Speed, and Power), too much attention is paid to the final target and too little to the musculoskeletal/ articular health and to the increase of the neuro-motor potential of the person themselves. The WTA Method puts the individual at the centre, and focusses on what one is capable of achieving when training,
MOVING with total fluidity and control of the body in all of its parts. Doing this necessarily starts from a clear and precise evaluation of the neuro-motor and biomechanical capacities of the person to go back to their starting point and from this, a scientific progression follows that begins with Joint Mobility and gradually arrives at the construction of the neuro-motor abilities and physical qualities.
Irrespective of either what your starting level is or what your final objective is, the WTA Method brings you to reach your goal while respecting your physical structure and allowing you to improve your neuro-motor potential, leading you to both achieve your Target and to improve your postural and overall state of health, to be able to live a full and rewarding life in every respect!
Primitive Functional Movement®
Instructor Course / Level 1
Primitive Functional Movement® is a System of free-body functional training that puts the individual back at the centre and, even before giving them an external workload, ensures the rebalancing of the postural structure through an essential work of liberating the joint fulcrums of movement of the human body (through global joint mobility together with joint stabilisation and bodily proprioception). Primitive Functional Movement® is based on a series of sequences of movements that are executed primarily on the ground so as to have the possibility of using the floor as a means of developing the exercises in maximum safety and efficacy. The constant contact with the ground, in fact, allows a continuous search for Joint Mobility and Stabilisation of the Joints (in particular, of the Spine, the Hips, and the Shoulders), fundamental for the improvement of the conditions of Health and Physical Capacity of everyone, whether they are Athletes or not. It is a Training System that allows all the structural components of the body to be trained in an optimal way to generate a safe and efficient movement: therefore, it involves not only the Muscles, but also the Joints, the Tendons, the Ligaments, and, not least, the Connective tissue that constitutes the Fascia and gives life to the Muscle Chains. This results in an improvement, not only of Joint Mobility and Proprioception, but also of Coordination, of Reactivity and, therefore, also of the Force, the Speed, and the Power. Primitive Functional Movement® enables you to
reclaim your capacity of total movement, reinvigorates the body, and renders it more Healthy and Functional!

RCF® Rehab & Posture
Instructor Course
This course is aimed at all those who teach physical exercise, and at therapists who intend to follow their clients accurately, avoiding errors in evaluation or the administration of inappropriate exercises. It clarifies the key concepts on which a harmonious posture is based and which districts mobilise, stabilise, or re-educate the movement of each individual. In addition to a simple and clear met hodological basis for the evaluation of the posture and its re-education, the most common pathologies affecting athletes and sports people in general will be addressed in order to learn to recognise the possibilities of intervention, the contraindications, and the modalities of action. The fundamental concept on which the RCF® System is based is Functional Training for achieving a correct setting of the physical balance of the entire body and not only of the area concerned in the postural decompensation or the pain. The attention is focussed on what is clearly observed in a disharmonious body, and on the fundamental points on which it is possible to act through targeted and considered protocols of work. Ample space is dedicated to the practical part, on the technique of specific exercises for postural and post-traumatic recovery following a clear and precise progression based on the protocols of work that emerge from the phase of evaluating the person.
READ MORE!Woman Functional Training®
Instructor Course / Level 1 & 2
The Instructor Course of Female Functional Training is based on a System of work aimed at guaranteeing the achievement of the characteristic objectives of women of all ages: to increase their physical qualities, to help them to get in shape or regain the shape they have lost, to bring out their physical and psychological potential, and to feel good about themselves. The Woman Functional Training® program helps to identify the metabolic-hormonal
characteristics of each woman, thereby enabling them to discover their points of strength, in terms of capacities and predispositions, but also to trace the limits and deficiencies on which to intervene, bringing benefits in many aspects, from rebalancing morphological and physical structures to recovering energy, wellness, and health, all from a scientific vision and with the certainty of constructing solid foundations for results that last over time. Through this Method you will learn everything that you need to know to be able to design a safe and effective training aimed at the achievement of the most common objectives of women, such as: postural balance, weight loss, improvement of the circulation, prevention and treatment of cellulite, and toning and increasing lean muscles. During our programs of certification, a leader in the field, you will learn how to perform static and dynamic anamnesis of the client, and to design safe and effective functional training regimes. You will also learn how to vary and periodise the training according to the specific health objectives of the individual woman and her current level of physical fitness.

Outrace Training System®
Instructor Course / Level 1
Starting from the principles of the Outrace Training System®, you will learn and experience the use of the Outrace movables items and suspension tools as:
– Trapezex
– Flyo
– Training Ladder
– Flying Basic Exercises
– Barbell Lever
– Plyo Board
– Dips Bar
– Pull Up Bar
– Ball Trampoline.
This training course gives the opportunity to apply the same principles to the basic bodyweight training (Joint mobility, Calisthenics training) and how to set the workouts based on different levels both single and group training.
Outrace Training System®
Instructor Course / Level 2
Following the key principles of the Outrace Training System® level 1, the goal of this course is to learn the techniques and experience the use of the Outrace exercising tools (apps) and equipment as:
– Kettlebell
– Medicine Balls
– Flowbag
– Flying Advanced Exercises
– Gym Rope
– Big Tubing
– Barbell.
The Level 2 training course gives the opportunity to broaden the knowledge on this extraordinary Training Sistem, thanks to the multi-option training equipment, to set the best group training workout!

Body Building Functional Training®
Instructor Course
The objective of the course is to train “Instructors of Body Building Functional Training®”, figures competent in the field of physical conditioning and functional training specific to Body Building who are able to correctly teach the exercises free body and with the tools most appropriate for Muscle Hypertrophy from among those of Functional Training, and to structure a Periodisation of the training with specific training protocols for the various phases of the sports season. Through the scientific knowledge on the Strength and Hypertrophy, and its practical applications in the technique of the exercises and in the structuring of specific training protocols, with this System of training it is finally possible to construct bodies that are not only muscular and strong, but also healthy and functional! This is the key feature that differentiates Body Building Functional Training® from the traditional systems of Body Building, which are focused on the aesthetics at the expense of the functionality of the body and, often, also of the joint and postural health of the person. With Body Building Functional Training®, an initial phase of biomechanical and biotype evaluation of the person is followed by cycles of training classified by physical capacities (levels), Morphotypes (Ectomorph, Mesomorph, or Endomorph), and stimulations of prevalent endogenous hormones (Testosterone and GH). This enables the identification of the best strategies for each person based on their structural characteristics, in order to bring them to the aesthetic results of volumes, definition, symmetry, and proportions, while simultaneously improving the posture and the functionality of the entire body system.
READ MORE!Athletic Functional Training®
Instructor Course
The objective of the course is to train “Instructors of Athletic Functional Training®”, figures competent in the field of physical conditioning and functional training specific to Physical Sports Preparation who are able to correctly teach the exercises free body and with the tools most appropriate for Athletic Conditioning among those of Functional Training, and to structure a Periodisation of the training with Specific Training Protocols for the various phases of the sports season of the various Sports. Through the scientific knowledge on Biomechanical, Conditional, and Coordinative Capabilities, and its practical applications in the technique of the exercises and in the structuring of specific training protocols, with this System of training it is finally possible to increase the Performance of athletes, but also preserve them from injuries and allow them to last longer over the years.
This is the key feature that differentiates Athletic Functional Training® from the traditional systems of Athletic Conditioning which are focused on increasing the physical qualities at the expense of the functionality of the body and, often, also of the joint and postural health of the athlete. With Athletic Functional Training®, an initial phase of biomechanical and neuro-motor evaluation of the person is followed by cycles of training classified by biomechanical capacities (levels), physical qualities (Strength, Endurance, Speed, Power, and mixed capacities), and type of Sport (Power Sports, Endurance Sports, Mixed Sports).

Kettlebell Training
Instructor Course / Level 1
The two fundamental characteristics of Kettlebell Training are that they:
– allow a work of joint decompression associated with the continuous stabilisation in the physiological joint of the shoulder girdle in the three planes of movement (sagittal, frontal, and transverse), and with the continuous support of the core and of the lower base of the body (the hips and lower limbs); – increase the neuro-muscular force and the expression of power in the extension of the hips, associated with the stabilisation of the knees, the spine, and the shoulder girdle. Due to their form, Kettlebells, which are balls with a flat base and a handle at the top, allow for the decentralisation of the grip with respect to the mass. Because of this, Kettlebell Training, in fact, rapidly develops great capacities of grip, force, resistance, and muscular quality. Their form, moreover, also allows the safe development of ballistic movements by engaging all the muscle chains on all the planes of movement, thus improving the health conditions of the joints and the postural arrangement, as well as rapidly increasing the coordination, the speed, and the power of the athlete! As such, these tools are extremely effective in terms of athletic preparation, in the improvement of the posture, and in general physical conditioning.The objective of the course is to train instructors in the safe and effective use of this extraordinary work tool in such a way that it can be applied to the demands both of the athletes of various disciplines (for the development of specific physical qualities), and also of the average gym user (to meet their objectives of aesthetics and wellness).
Clubs Training
Instructor Course
The Clubs, because of their particular form, have a unique potential compared to all the other training tools, for which they are extremely versatile and effective in many aspects of physical training, from the prevention of injuries (especially of the shoulder), to physical conditioning both of a general nature (for those in the gym looking for the aesthetics associated with the health and functionality of the joints), and of a specific nature for all the sports where a strong and functional structure of the scapula-humeral girdle is required, both for stability and for the multiplanar movements (for example, for combat sports, and sports involving throwing such as basketball, volleyball, water polo, tennis, baseball, rugby, football goalkeeping, swimming, skiing, etc.). This is, in fact, the fundamental characteristic of the Clubs, in that they allow a work of joint decompression
associated with continuous stabilisation in the physiological joint of the shoulder girdle, in the three planes of movement (sagittal, frontal, and, above all, transverse), with the continuous support of the core and the lower base of the body (the hips and lower limbs). Due to their conical shape, the Clubs allow for the decentralisation of the grip with respect to the mass. Manoeuvring the Clubs, in fact, rapidly develops great capacity for grip, force, resistance, and muscular quality. These tools are very effective, both in terms of athletic conditioning and in the improvement of the posture and general physical conditioning. The objective of the course is to train instructors in the safe and effective use of these extraordinary work tools, so as to be able to apply them to the demands of the athletes of various disciplines (for developing specific physical qualities) and of the common gym user (for achieving aesthetic and wellness goals).

Flying Suspension Training
Instructor Course
Among the tools for Functional Training, the Flying is definitely the most versatile, in that: – utilising simple principles of regulation of the work load, it is adaptable to every person, irrespective of their level (beginner, intermediate, or advanced) and their objective (aesthetic, athletic preparation, or health and wellness); – due to its low weight (1 kg) and size (fitting inside a bag of 20 cm x 20 cm), it is easily transportable and, thanks to its quick anchoring system to any load-bearing structure (gym bar, stall bars, vertical pole, doorway, tree, etc.), it can be used anywhere (in a gym, outdoors, in sports grounds, at home, in hotels, etc.).
The key feature of Flying Suspension Training is the continuous work on the dynamic proprioception (the capacity to perceive and manage one’s body during free movements in space), and on the stability of the body in the correct neutral postural aspect. This results in a system of training that always looks to the health of the person, and which is within the reach of everyone, regardless of age, sex, or physical constitution, and can be used to reach any objective, whether it is Aesthetic (Fat Loss, Hypertrophy, and Toning), Health (Rehabilitation and Injury Prevention, and improvement of the Posture), or Functional (Athletic Conditioning).
Flying Suspension Training allows you to regain your capacity of control of movement in a total and safe way, reinvigorates the body, and renders it more Healthy, Harmonious, and Functional!
Flowbag Training®
Instructor Course
The Flowbag is a tool consisting of two bags, of which the inner one can be filled with water or sand, depending on the type of exercises and training program that you want to execute. Thanks to its various external grips, it allows a multitude of exercises to be performed compared to traditional weight training and to other more dynamic tools of Functional Training, resulting in an extremely versatile tool that can, in fact, be utilised for the most disparate applications. The main characteristic of the tool is in improving the proprioceptivity and the capacity of stabilisation of the person using it, who is forced, at every moment of the trajectory of the exercise, to control the instability of the internal contents of the tool (be it water or sand). The objective of the course is to train instructors in the safe and effective use of this extraordinary work tool so as to be able to apply it to the demands both of the athletes of various disciplines (for developing specific physical qualities) and of the common gym user (for achieving aesthetic and wellness goals). If you want to be strong you must be stable, and if you want to be stable you must control instability, the optimal answer is Flowbag Training®!

Barbell & Bodyweight Training
Instructor Course
Strength is the basic physical quality that must be constructed in any athlete before they can specialise in its derivatives, the resistance force, the fast force, and the explosive force. An instructor of Functional Training cannot not know the two principal tools for the development of the Strength: one’s own body and the barbell!
In fact, starting from the capacity of controlling one’s own bodyweight with exercises on the ground and in suspension at the bars and parallel bars, it is possible to develop neuro-motor coordination in conjunction with the hypertrophy
of the fibres, with a consequent adaptation of the quality of Strength. We then move on to consolidating this through the use of the external load par excellence, the barbell. The core of the Barbell & Bodyweight Training program is learning the correct executive technique of the 10 fundamental exercises for Strength (5 free body, and 5 with the barbells), how to teach them through the preparatory exercises, and how to adapt them to every person (according to their starting level, their physical structure, and their specific objective), through the complementary exercises and their variants.
Tactical Functional Training®
Instructor Course
Tactical Functional Training® is based on:
– the restoration of body awareness, a fundamental requirement for the postural recovery of the individual on which to construct all the necessary physical qualities; – the recovery of joint mobility and of dynamic proprioceptive control, so as to construct the control of the body in space;
– the increasing of the Strength as the base physical quality from which the Endurance, the Speed, and the Power derive;
– the use of operative tools and protocols that train multiple physical qualities simultaneously, allowing for the optimisation of time;
– the adaptability of the protocols of work to the conditions and the level of the practitioner;
– the use of operative tools starting from one’s own bodyweight, and arriving at tools that make their adaptability to all the trainable physical qualities their essential technical characteristic, such as: Flying Suspension Training, Kettlebell, Clubs, Flowbag, Med Ball, Speed Bands, Power Ropes, etc. These tools also have the characteristic of being easily transportable and, therefore, usable practically anywhere. Today, Tactical Functional Training® is used with great success by many Military Forces (especially Special Forces) and the police Units of many different Countries throughout the world.

Combat Sports Functional Training®
Instructor Course
Athletic conditioning for athletes and practitioners of martial arts and combat sports, regardless of their level, be it professional or amateur, is essential, both for the prevention of traumas and injuries, and for the improvement of their general and specific physical qualities for the discipline they practice. However, all too often, the focus of traditional physical conditioning is placed more on the increase in physical performance and less on the physical health of the athlete themselves. If, in fact, one concentrates only on the increase of the conditional capacities (Strength, Speed, Power, and Endurance), without working on the Joint Mobility and on the execution of the Global Movement of the body, for an athlete that is taken to their maximum, the likelihood of sustaining injury is always waiting just around the corner. Combat Sports Functional Training® is the optimal answer for the functional physical conditioning of martial and combat disciplines, as it allows the construction of strong, reactive, and fast athletes who are explosive and resistant, but preserves them over time thanks to the combined work on the posture and on Joint Mobility. Combat Sports Functional Training® enables
the training of highly specialised Trainers who are able to bring every athlete or practitioner of Combat Sports and Martial Arts to fully express their own neuro-motor and performance potential while also improving their own postural and overall state of health so as to have a longer and more rewarding career in the sport.
Soccer Functional Training®
Instructor Course
The objective of the course is to train “Soccer Functional Training® Instructors”: figures competent in the field of physical conditioning and functional training specific for Physical Sports Conditioning, who are able to correctly teach the exercises with free body and with the most appropriate tools for Athletic Conditioning from among those of Functional Training, and to structure a Periodisation of the training with specific training protocols for the various phases of the football season. Through the scientific knowledge on the Biomechanical, Conditional, and Coordinative Capacities, and its practical application in the technique of the exercises and in the structuring of the specific protocols of training, with this System of training it is finally possible to increase the Performance of the players while also preserving them from injuries and enabling them to extend their playing careers. This is the key feature that differentiates Soccer Functional Training® from the traditional systems of Athletic Conditioning, which are focused on increasing the physical qualities to the detriment of the functionality of the body and, often, also of the joint and postural health of the athlete. With Soccer Functional Training®, an initial phase of biomechanical and neuro-motor evaluation of the player is followed by Cycles of training classified by biomechanical capacities (levels), physical qualities (Strength, Endurance, Speed, Power, and mixed qualities), and the type of technical role performed on the field.