Ring and rope support designed for the 9095/16 Half Power Cage Rack, these supports increase the height of the structure by allowing the use of Climbing Ropes (Code 1204-1206) and Rings.
Total structure height with 9095/31 Rings support wall applied: 4035 mm
Height 9095/31 Rings support wall: 2070 mm
Upright length: 2000 mm
Weight: 31.5 Kg
The use of the 9095/16 Half Power Cage Rack with the addition of the 9095/31 Rings Support Wall makes it essential that the structure be fixed to the ground.
Standard colour Micaceous anthracite grey
(The tone of the paint may vary slightly between production batches, especially micaceous paint may show a slight variation in tone due to the presence of metal particles.)