GHR – Glute Hamstring Roller
The GHR is a multifunctional, simple and extremely effective tool. The acronym derives from “Glute Hamstring Roller”, because the tool was created in the field of athletic training for training the hamstring muscles performing curl exercises with regular sliding wheels. However, the possibility of assuming different positions and grasping the tubulars with the hands, has considerably expanded the range of exercises that can be performed with this tool, making it also useful for training the abdominals, core and consequently all the main muscle chains. Though created as a specialist tool for athletic training, it is also very useful for aesthetic and wellness purposes.
Use in athletic preparation and fitness
Used as a specialist tool in athletic training to work on the posterior muscle chain (hamstring muscles, trunk muscles), it is indispensable in sports characterized by the expression maximal power (speed and strength). It is also essential for preventing and limiting injuries to the anterior cruciate ligaments, often due to asymmetry between the posterior (short and underperforming) and anterior thigh muscles. The functionality of the Roller, especially if integrated with exercises of the same target, eg. the Nordic hamstrings, is due to the practicality of use and also the relative ease in achieving maximum lengthening and shortening of the hamstring muscles. The handiness is also useful for organizing high-intensity circuits, characterized by the rapid alternation of exercises.
As a tool dedicated to fitness it owes its effectiveness to its great multifunctionality. A couple of square meters are enough to perform numerous and particularly dynamic exercises dedicated to strength and endurance, with important metabolic and proprioceptive connotations (strength conditioning).
Exercises with the GHR – VIDEO
We have selected some of the main exercises to highlight these potentials:
- Hamstring curl
- Single leg hamstring curl
- Gluteus bridge and curl
- Posterior plank to L-sit
- Crunch
- Pike crunch
- Crunch + push up (atomic push up)
- Roll
- Single arm roll
- Side roll
- Lunge front squat
- Lateral squat
- Cross lunge squat
- Pistol
- Crawl
See also:
code 9023/2 GHR PAD
code 2090 Slidisks